Thursday, November 20, 2008

youtube time stamp

Added: 1 year ago
From: noblefuse
Views: 20,545

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fablau (1 year ago) Show Hide
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Push for this technology!
noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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over 13 months i have pushed to asked my fellowman help assist before the global economy collapses and or global war for energy- no one has done anything- when the war starts- do not ask why
Nichen (1 year ago) Show Hide
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Allt the best to you Sam!
noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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there is without question many wonderful human beings with good hearts- however, in my conclusions- the good stay silent as the bully beats up the victim as in a school yard- this can longer be tolerated in a world of god and an era of communication and technology that all agree is both beautiful and scary- our children deserve a better world- please speak up and tell someone- is there not one human being with faith in their fellowman to help end this- please vindicate my science deeds
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noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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when proven correct to end the energy crisis and greenhouse gases for our children to have hope in a world they see the adults bicker about- i will say excellent- at this stage- i have anger and disgust of how no one has helped spread this information- no friends- no one- when the economy collapses- i am sure you will fully understand my words and why i make controversial videos
noblefuse (1 year ago) Show Hide
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krowanders (1 year ago) Show Hide
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Explain. Have you done a small scale test, or is all of this on paper? If you're serious, don't falter to the offers or threats of oil companies, once this idea becomes known. They'll threaten you, and they'll offer you loads of money to shut the program down. If you truly wish to help the world, refuse them. You can carry this pride with you for the rest of your days, but money always comes and goes.
noblefuse (1 year ago) Show Hide
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i have hand built my own million volt tesla coil all entirely on my own.. i made all parameters tunable in order to resonate with the dielectric of water- i used dc motors from my travels to an auto junkyard-buick century driver seat motors-so fitting a century as tesla and einstein ideas are one century old now- and now these two mens accomplishments can be fully utilized- all parameters must be tunable-
krowanders (1 year ago) Show Hide
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Tesla figured out a way to make light generating bulbs before Edison did, and he did it without wires. There was just a gas-filled tube hanging on the wall, lit up, with no wires. Edison was highly jealous and sought to discredit Tesla every chance he got. I'm a history buff. Tell me, are there any biproducts to this? I might be able to help you with publicity. I know some folks.
noblefuse (1 year ago) Show Hide
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i want to be serious with this reply- but the byproducts are oxygen and helium-if that sounds funny- inhale the helium and then say the byproducts- you will sound funny too----the more you look at this system and simplicity- you will come to the exact conclusion i have- IT IS A GIFT FROM THE HEAVENS
noblefuse (1 year ago) Show Hide
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oil will always be used- the precurser for paints-chemicals-synthetics- - -- 100 years ago- many have said the automobile will never take the place of a god given animal such as the horse- THE REALITY OF ALL SITUATIONS IS WHAT IS EVIDENT AND CLEAR AND SUBSEQUENTLY ADOPTED BY SOCIETY- I NEED MEN TO STAND WITH ME AND SCREAM FOR THE OBVIOUS- LIGHTNING AND WATER- NOW THAT IS GOD GIVEN
pie505 (1 year ago) Show Hide
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cool nice
noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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over 13 months and only 17,000 people have seen this- not from anyone's assistance- but my willingness not to return to work and spend every day trying to stimulate my fellowman to help-i emailed every physics department to no avail- every energy forum only to be ridiculed as they dont understand- i see stupid videos that make the same number of visits in one day- i am disgusted
neveruse513 (3 months ago) Show Hide
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Marked as spam's this going?
noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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when you lose your job from the economic slowdown by energy crisis and or the global war that will kill part of your family- you will remember why i screamed for over one year to save us from such- you are lazy-ignorant and disgusting-all man shall be accountable for a world to grow in harmony for the future- sacrifice comes by the generation created from gluttony and disrespect to one another- do not ask why when the war intensifies- you have asked for it
djpsyk0s1s (1 year ago) Show Hide
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A couple questions. In your proof-of-concept,I didn't see an apparatus for measuring neutrons. In addition, I would like to know how much energy you need to put into this system to reach the critical "break even point." Oh, and I couldn't find mention of the Lawson Criterion in your paper. Could you post the page number it's on in case I missed it.
noblefuse (1 year ago) Show Hide
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I used an HP gamma ray detector- but then again-1 million volts will generate gamma ray burts-lawson criteria applies to gaseous fusion- a new criteria will must be developed here- i injected 6000 WATTS IN MY DEMONSTRATION UNIT-ALSO
noblefuse (1 year ago) Show Hide
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I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING ALONE- I STAND ALONE- THIS IS NUCLEAR FUSION OF HEAVY WATER TO END THE ENERGY CRISIS- A POSSIBLE RETROFIT FOR FISSION POWER PLANTS- please connect the dots and build yourself and test-be careful-i cannot be the only one who sees this
pismo10 (1 year ago) Show Hide
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I presume you are referring to D+D fusion. This reaction produces many high energy neutrons which will bombard the reactor components making them radioactive. How are you going to handle this problem? Thanks, very interesting.
noblefuse (1 year ago) Show Hide
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thank you for your interests- what you have just witnessed is the very first time in history a Tesla coil has been used to resonate inside water for the ideology of Nuclear fusion- this is a turn key system for pressurized fission power reactors- EVERYTHING IS OFF THE SHELF!!!!!
BigGeordieUK (1 year ago) Show Hide
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Noblefuse . Do not give up, you know what you are up against ?. wishing you well
timster112 (1 year ago) Show Hide
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Not to be overly harsh but in order to be taken more seriously, you might want to watch your spelling a bit more. I can get what you are saying, don't get me wrong. It's just that using 5 exclamation marks (to name an example) doesn't give me the impression that you want to be taken seriously.
noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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i will now be harsh- the game of musical chairs by man in all endevours is coming to an end- from the stock market to all behaivor-lie and cheat until the machine breaks but as long as you make money it is ok- the rest- screw them- if the rest were your family- you would make room on all parts of your body in musical chairs to make sure all members of your family are fine- THIS IS HOW MAN MUST ACT- all of us on earth are brothers and sisters and the time has come
kjbaran (1 year ago) Show Hide
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Noblefuse, I am a firm believer in Teslas foundation that created for us to build off of. I say, a man with a great desire, put to use, can accomplish great things. What you're doing here is noble. ( no pun intended!) Take your work and run with it! It'll be you looking down on those who scoffed at you. Take care, Kris.
djdoc07 (1 year ago) Show Hide
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Once things like that hit the market there is no reason for big oil marketers. The government is run on money and oil marketing is where a HUGE share of profit comes to the USA. So they arent looking for an alternate energy just yet, not until people stand up for a change. But what you have is, no doubt, very important to the future of mankind. Keep sharing plans so the ignorant can learn, and u dont die with ur ideas and the world will never see a change. nuff said.
noblefuse (11 months ago) Show Hide
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this is not cold fusion- this is entirely new in methodology for nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes- this is the marriage of hot and cold fusion- i use the bennet magnetic pinch ideology by way of einsteins special theory of relativity to create a magnetic condition for nuclear fusion- the plasma will generate excess heat about the fuel itself-the heavy water- it will then be used as steam for the turbine-DIRECT REPLACEMENT FOR FISSION ROD NUCLEAR STEAM POWER PLANTS
RadiantEnrG (11 months ago) Show Hide
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So are you saying that dielectric breakdown is Fusion?
Check my vid response I did it with a 3 watt neon transformer...also, is your setup AC or DC?
noblefuse (11 months ago) Show Hide
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1, dielectric breakdown establishes the plasma state.2. the plasma state is derived with a tesla coil-thus alternating current3. within the plasma state in which i have written in my pdf file- you need minimum of 750kv for an electric field strentgh upon charged particles to initiate fusion-4. also- you need frequency- remember skin effect-but it goes furthur-read on the bennet pinch since 1950's-5. WHEN ALL WHO WATCH SIMPLE VIDEO UNDERSTAND IN FUTURE- THE ENERGY CRISIS IS OVER
thejokerswild1 (10 months ago) Show Hide
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take it and run with it. i genuinely wish you the best on your campaign and congratulate you on your discovery. I hope it's as applicable as you say for the progression of mankind.

constructively speaking, try and leave the 'wacky' personality behind, it hurts your credibility. You might want to look into Public Relations or something if you want to get your idea out there for the right reasons.
noblefuse (10 months ago) Show Hide
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thank you sir- my message is very simple- when my science and experiment are proven to end the energy crisis-the world will ask who has done this- i have consistently said I have been guided to it by the heavens and a message of unity and peace have come with it- AMAZING HOW I SPENT PAST SEVERAL MONTHS GIVING WORDS OF UNITY AND PEACE AS A MESSENGER AND i AM INSULTED- ASK YOURSELF WHY- THE TIME HAS COME- WE ARE NOT ALONE
fxtrader92 (10 months ago) Show Hide
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I congratulate you on your scientific efforts to date. But to make a plea to a company like
Westinghouse is naive. No doubt they are a card carrying member of those who currently enslave humanity through control of energy and resources. Why on Earth would they help us? They are the enemy.
There have been many individual inventors who like you have come up with workable solutions to the energy issue. All of these ideas are either bought and shelve or suppressed by murder if necessary.
mstevens1724 (9 months ago) Show Hide
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You are certainly noble to want to work with a big corp. like Westinghouse but you are also very naive. For the big corps. it is not about modern solutions but all about money, i.e. power... and they will not relinquish that... did you forget what JP Morgan did to Tesla. thejokerswild1 is correct, run with it yourself or work with Bearden, Bedini etc. or a foreign company that has some ethics...
noblefuse (9 months ago) Show Hide
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video is 9 months old- i honored tesla and westinghouse with such aa early statement--may any nuclear utility company with a pressurized water reactor type take up my challenge and simply repeat my experiments inside a spare reactor in one of their backyards and verify my statements- nuclear fusion of heavy water- i have solved our energy crisis- it would be nice since i have said this for 9 straight months- the general public will help raise its voice- this is the energy crisis
ManBearPigIsCereal (9 months ago) Show Hide
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Keep on keeping on, the world will know.
talavishay (8 months ago) Show Hide
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be a roll model & they shell follow !!!
mstevens1724 (9 months ago) Show Hide
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I may be wrong but in my opinion it would be far easier to raise interest and funds to start from scratch and build the necessary testing facility. The nuclear watchdogs will not allow you to use 'unused facilities in someones backyard.' From your paper the science is not that complicated and there's more money lying around than facilities... But to some extent the ones with the money want return on investment, not free energy (JP Morgan Syndrome), so it's a bit of a catch 22...
noblefuse (9 months ago) Show Hide
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i speak of a clean fusion power plant in which energy will be far cheaper. the price goes down considerably- but many more people will use energy- therefor-demand will be far higher- we still must pay the companys to have a fusion plant- it just wont cost an arm and a leg- maybe just nail clippings--either way- i did my part- and continue to spend all my energy to spread this- when will viewers do the same-
marktimmer2212 (9 months ago) Show Hide
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I got my head out of my ass,
feels a lot better !
btw the 3stages for acceptance of truth are
ridicule, violent opposition,
then acceptance

hold till releved
hold till releved
we are on our way
noblefuse (9 months ago) Show Hide
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thank you sir for such a comment- i apologize for being harsh at times with my statements- but i must - the big picture is a far better life for ourselves and future generations- it is my duty as a citizen to stand to have this system fully addressed- god bless
Owneador1337 (8 months ago) Show Hide
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As far as I'm concerned... Fusion has been possible for many years, but the energy costs to perform it surpass those generated by the fusion.

Good luck, though.
noblefuse (8 months ago) Show Hide
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thank you- the day a university or large research institution simply replicates my experiment and measure the fusion reactions themselves- as there is no question no one believes me- the world will see the cheapest form of producing clean unlimited energy from a tesla coil- tell your friends- 11 months on net and nothing- this is pathetic- wonder how the marines who fight for oil would think- not rich oil filled politicians
talavishay (8 months ago) Show Hide
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as in all great ideas by brilant minds , any new tech will muked and the man behind it would stand alone ..let us all be that man.
try building your on energy device for your own needs . it is time to stop thinking big time & start doing good things for our selfs & family :)
noblefuse (8 months ago) Show Hide
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thank you sir- maybe another may take this ideology and shrink it for personal use/cares/homes- however, my approuch is a retrofit for every nuclear power plant- thus clean energy as electricity is provided cheap to every home- thus- electric cars may be made-all may be driven by clean electricity- that is my desire or belief as i scream alone like a siren on this new method of power generation- i want the very first power plant next to the shores of the dead sea- can israel do this
noblefuse (8 months ago) Show Hide
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the system i propose as a retrofit for pressurized nuclear reactor BECAUSE it is a vessel with the proper design already built for a safe fusion vessel we can do immediately!- all new fusion plants will use this mode of excitation I am proposing_ - your faith in your fellowman after 11 straight months is now needed- it is you who must wake up and think of this solution as i watch somewhat patiently for such a time
paindeer (8 months ago) Show Hide
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THE spark that brings forth the creative act -

IS possessed by this character.

Being right or wrong does not weigh in - compared to the intent that drives a human being.

On that, noblefuse is #1 in my book.
noblefuse (7 months ago) Show Hide
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Thank you paindeer- you have seen this ongoing saga for almost my time upon the net- There is a state of disbelief and lack of integrity in this culture - this must be addressed- it is obvious the world filled with ill intentioned persons have surely numbed all to trust our fellowman
noblefuse (8 months ago) Show Hide
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i have beat the drum for 11 straight months to inform a public i have solved the energy crisis- no question no one believes- sunday march 16 i hear thru the grape vine Princeton university has confirmed arcs in water for fusion as by my ideology- time will tell
simplybornhuman (8 months ago) Show Hide
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BS, i want to see it in real life, plz dude, if this is real, get a government contract or something, quickly, the world needs this. oh, and keep this tech in USA, your country has tones of dept, china is a fierce competitor,
noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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what is bs is coming to the internet to ask people to spread this so out of many the few select will finalize it- instead- what is spread are stupid pet tricks and sex videos- when the global war begins which WILL affect every family on this planet- the remaining left alive will understand why- man is mans worst enemy- in the future when the boy who cries wolf or offers solutions for humanity- LISTEN AND HELP-watch the news over energy and learn- assist before its too late- it draws very near
angelcruzpr (8 months ago) Show Hide
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I truly wish you the best success! But be very aware, several bright minds like yours have gone as far as you have arrived just to sell the patents to giant corporations and see their technologies locked away forever.
paindeer (8 months ago) Show Hide
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I read people well.

This fellow- Solomon iirc, who is behind Noblefuse - brings forth the BEST in humanity.

I do not think there is much more to say at this time, short of INTENT is important. This man is not about seeking fame, fortune, but SOLUTIONS for the species. Hats off Solomon. You're as real as it gets in my book.
JonThm (7 months ago) Show Hide
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Let's give the world nuclar fusion!
ZombieJesusBrainz (7 months ago) Show Hide
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Many people have claimed to harness water. If you can do it in a way that is actually energy efficient (current methods arn't) then congrats. But you should post it off to a science journal. I don't know why you need to do this on youtube if your claims are genuine. I suspect the evidence won't add up, but since we haven't seen a shred of evidence yet, I can't judge!
noblefuse (7 months ago) Show Hide
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one year now i offer openly my approach to fusion- i go to youtube/myspace/facebook/etc etc etc. everywhere i go- they say scam and do not do anything- now in one year 20,000 people have seen this and did exactly what you did- dont believe- offer a suggestion- and then leave- when will anyone just do something themselves- this is the energy crisis- i hide nothing unlike every business inventor who asks for money-
filmmunition (7 months ago) Show Hide
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Great video - I like your approach.

Quickly open source the data for this. Our litigious western society will patent it and bury it - perhaps someone in a third world country, unafraid of legal troubles, will build the systems and it will grow from there?
noblefuse (7 months ago) Show Hide
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Thanlk you- for 12 motnhs i have openly disclosed all information- if it is not understood- it is EXACTLY like the food you seek in the refregerator. you want it to talk to you as you look at the shelves with all items. my science paper in conjunction with experiment is the road to safe clean commercial fusion- you just have to be positive and spend your energy looking at it to see it. To this date- I wait for Americans to wake up
dreamyear (6 months ago) Show Hide
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we need plasma spark for car..
noblefuse (6 months ago) Show Hide
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when society vindicates my experiment of safe nuclear fusion- ONE IN which I cannot finalize myself-then the world will have abundant clean energy to make electricity- when electricity is very cheap- so will be electric cars- the gasoline engine replaced the horse- now water for fusion replaces the shameful act of BURNING oil- which should be used as plastics-chemicals-etc. etc. etc.
seanthelight (6 months ago) Show Hide
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Have you have forgotten the fact that a centralized power production grid would continue to allow for the enslavement of the mass population by the energy providers? Your reactors then will only be good to keep the enslavement of mankind going. Work on power cells that can be produced and operated at the individual level if you want to "solve the energy crisis".

Cheaper electricity would be nice, free energy would be freeing.
noblefuse (6 months ago) Show Hide
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there is no free energy until there is a free world of human beings with free health care and food for a united world- this day has not come- unlimited clean energy by my centralized system is exactly what society needs to make all homes electric(just flip a switch) and majority cars become electric-as with railways/etc- 13 months i have proven experiment to openly show the world- instead- everyone just ignores it BUT GIVES THEIR OWN EXPERT OPINION- the time has come for all to wake up-
seanthelight (6 months ago) Show Hide
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How will anything be free if others control how much of something you get? Wireless transmission of electricity and unlimited collection of electricity from aether, were both technologies developed by tesla. They were suppressed by the companies you claim will provide us the future.

I cant decide if you are misguided or purposely misinforming others, but I know you are wrong about centralized power creating a free society. Good luck helping society though, seriously. Any help is appreciated.
noblefuse (6 months ago) Show Hide
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I have always been fascinated by the majority of all human beings to ALWAYS assume the other person they are talking to is lesser in knowledge- everyone here takes the time to insult and counter your argument- except the very reason I spend my time here to argue- JUST REPLICATE my experiment and let us end the energy crisis- or shall we all watch television together and see the world economy take a dive as a time where " the wood is dry" is coming- i found something for all of us- tell someone
noblefuse (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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17 months on the net to provoke fellow scientists to replicate my experiment for fusion-to ask people to help spread this discovery-no one helps-people scream about being slaves of the government- you deserve it- when those who sacrifice for all of us ask for assistance- you do nothing- thus- you must all be controlled as it is clear you are too gluttonous and weak in your behavior with freedom and free will- you are lazy and weak as our fellow citizens fight wars for energy and you do nothing
noblefuse (6 months ago) Show Hide
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AND the energy to make hydrogen fuel cells- wake up america/world- i have solved the energy crisis- energy is the key to civilazation- can you not see that by watching the news- when will some outsider see the writing on the wall and replicate this experiment by a university/power plant/where is max planck institution/princeton/etc etc etc??? THE WORLD IS SCREAMING FOR A SOLUTION_ I HAVE DONE IT- 300 dollars to the first physics univ. lab that replicates my experiment to prove my statements
kusutto (6 months ago) Show Hide
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I've been reading and watch tests upon test on hydro or rather coldfusion.
I know it's a pain for the general public to accept due to ignorance and other reason.
If possible I would like to build my own for my household.
... new findings can be shocking and can ruin some big corporation's business. the money matter ... sigh
just like "Milk is not your healthy drink"
those researchers got silenced ...
Best wish and prayers to you Azar.
noblefuse (6 months ago) Show Hide
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thank you sir- i have solved the cold and hot fusion goals- when a large firm will simply replicate my experiments in heavy water with a simple tesla coil of at least 750,000 volts- the time for energy producers to change over must occur- no different than the horse rustler to cars- the world needs it- when will a society start a movement i have uncovered- so much for innocent until proven otherwise in america-I bet a third world nation will complete my ideology as NOONE in america cares
noblefuse (6 months ago) Show Hide
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I will guarantee you after my 13 months on this net- you have no idea what I have done- you just think you do as you arrogantly dont tell anyone in order for this to grow- when the world economies break down from lack of clean energy- let the blood be on your hands as you did nothing
vardarac (6 months ago) Show Hide
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So, your device keeps working after you have disconnected it from its powersupply?
noblefuse (6 months ago) Show Hide
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let us be realistic. i am a single garage inventor who has built the EXACT prototype which may retrofit any existing pressurized water reactor withion a month- or new fusion reactor blueprint- when the first credible institution SIMPLY repeats my experiment to verify fusion reactions- the energy crisis is over- oxygen and helium are the byproducts- funny right- inhale the helium and you will sound funny too when you Truly see what i have uncovered- time will tell-;)13 months and counting tic toc
vardarac (6 months ago) Show Hide
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Fusion is already possible.
You do not have the exclusive on that.

Breakeven or surplus production is what scientists are still working on.

You claim that your solution succeeded where all of the current designs have failed.

Is your device able to extract more energy from its fuel, than it takes to operate it?

If not, you only succeeded in building a device that can preform electrolysis, and possibly fuse deutrium.
We already have those, and they eat tons of electricity.
noblefuse (6 months ago) Show Hide
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13 months of the same babel from everyone who sees my site- when you replicate my high voltage high frequency experiment witha tesla coil/similar upon heavy water- you will measure positive fusion reactions and clearly see the exact door to enter to build RIGHT NOW in any pressurized vessel- I have combined hot and cold fusion- GET OVER IT_ I DID IT- I DARE YOU TO REPLICATE MY EXPERIMENT- PERIOD
vardarac (6 months ago) Show Hide
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So for 13 month people have been asking you if infact your device is capable of producing more energy than it eats?

And you still haven't tested it?
Are you EVER going to test your device for it?

You advertice with a breakthrough, but when we want to know how you found out about your device's ability to produce energy, you tell me to stop babbling and build your device.

I am not going to waste time and money on building someones device when that person can't even proof it works.
noblefuse (6 months ago) Show Hide
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you are right- it is a waste of time to replicate an experiment that represents a possible solution to our energy crisis- the first time a tesla coil was ever resonated in history of man in a century of electrics upon the dielectric of heavy water in order to magnetically pinch the isotopes of hydrogen-LIGHTNING AND WATER- you are right- it is a waste of time
pgpeachess (3 months ago) Show Hide
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...noble cause! i wish you luck! i personally prefer to see JESUS coming: we have more than energy problems. as you say, there may be "many wonderful human beings" on this earth, but i'm afraid is not enough to fight against the biggest lier and deceiver that lives in this world from the beginning of times.
just be careful about the people you have lunch with!
noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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bless you-man is good- all is well-from starting with just two sticks to make fire to present times of enlightenment- our goals are close to unify in peace- one nation under god- it comes-maybe a little more discipline to shake things up- i believe you see a little of jesus when you look in the mirror and by your actions- thank you for a positive remark- this has been tough - but a good life should not be easy- let us earn dignity and respect for our father in heaven--god bless everyone
pgpeachess (3 months ago) Show Hide
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thank you for your reply and comments! do not expect your journey to go on a wide path: it will not be easy! but that way you'll appreciate the results even more. the doubters, let them bark! you need the gallery; it makes you stronger. MAY GOD BLESS YOU TOO! peter g.
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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a wide path-that sure is an understatement- have you ever walked the north trail of the grand canyon- extremely narrow and usually empty of people-i feel i never left:)- I am shocked at the lack of care and respect for a human being with words of unity and peace as a messenger and a solution to the energy crisis- truly man is mans worst enemy- from greed to collapse the stock markey- to ignorance for those that try to help with solutions- i believe a world war will occur soon for energy
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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i have true and only real solution- no one cares to investigate- i even used a tesla coil in way never before in 100 years of such a device and no one cares-no wonder it took over 10,000 years for the children of god bound in the monkey body to master this earth
noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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you are completely clueless to what is going on- read the pdf paper on my site and get ready for an awakening
noblefuse (3 months ago) Show Hide
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you are a good person trying to knock down trivial ideas as they should be- i have said i did not build the nuclear power plant- but the ideology prototype- i WILL NOT pressurize a simple plastic box- i propose an existing fission reactor built for 6000 psi- also- vessel too small as gamma and other flux energy is emitted as more fuel/heavy water must be sufficient around rods such as existing reactor- even if i did it for you - no one would believe the video as i am a one man show
tediouse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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ok i see where your at, there are others who know the progression of the system,yes the new waves tear everyone to bits,unfortunately the game is controled by the G8 and free or cheap power are not on the menu ,there vision is survival of the richest /that means resources,systems and inovations already exist and the govs have them,and when they have cleared the planetof us,they can sell electric at a price to the growing masses !
noblefuse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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what about clean abundant energy for our children- pressure princeton plasma labs to replicate my experiment and destroy the oil cartels - or are you scared-lazy-and have no faith- when the global war begins over energy- then you will care- until then- have fun on myspace-youtube
tediouse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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reply to noblefuse/re tediouse

was the reference [scared /lazy no faith?]for me
you may well have got the right process,but you will have to get in bed with the devil to give it to the masses and as i stated [13hours ago]
its the G8 club who run the world domination league ,even if you got a vessel and proved it
you would only wake up in the morning dead,

for me i look after me and mine and some others,
im to old to run with the gun and change the world.
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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not at all tediouse- every opportunity lately is one for me to scream and yell- as it seems clear being civil and polite for many months did nothing- i am frustrated- not with good souls such as you with polite remarks- but the countless emails of harsh and abusive comments of no technical manner
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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but more so bullism- this is very hard of state of mind to be in believing solving the energy crisis as our soldiers fight for it- our planet dies by it- and our economy is about to collapse from it- and i watch tv everyday and listen to everyone bitch and scream for solution and i say here it is only to be mocked-
tediouse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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i do understand your frustration, but you are are asking to much ,your idea will be probaly taken up buy some multi com glom and the energy will still be sold at a high price ,just the running cost =low so the profit will be higher
and you wont own it they will,

its the little guys that are gona make a difference=on the smaller scale,hydrogen/browns gas heaters for hot water/same for cars/led lighting for the house
live a little longer SELL THE IDEA ON.

noblefuse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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I believe i have solved the energy crisis with my ideology and exhibited by my experiment- no one cares and believes- they believe they are right- i believe there is one god- one true solution for the energy crisis- i DID IT- but we will go thru all the ideas of so many as the crisis continues and heats up- in the end - you will find me with the true solution-
bodziobran (2 months ago) Show Hide
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That may be scaled down if you replace deuterium,tritium with carbon and build small Tesla coil. Protelf reaction ! Carbon -> Boron -> Carbon + beta radiation (electrons) directly produce electricity
Of course I don't know if PROTELF works...
noblefuse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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EXcellent- i have mentioned in pdf paper in my noblefuse site all fusion byproducts under nickel/iron 56 for fusion- THE most important point at this stage is DO WE HAVE an ideology for a commercial reactor- YES- the solution to the energy crisis is e=mc^2. I have found via sufficient high voltage and frequency used in conjunction for resonance upon the appropriate medium which is also the fuel- d20 and other concentrations as you have noted
noblefuse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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the solution lies on the periphery of a wheel in which the proper spoke for ideology must be correct or your destination drifts further from goal- when my solution is fully uderstood by all who ridicule and ignore at this point- an epiphany will occur on what i discovered- I have cast a bright light upon the door to enter for unlimited clean energy for our children- it waits for you to look inside with positivity and your own energy to finalize it- thank you
bodziobran (2 months ago) Show Hide
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You look as a honest person.Please consider scaling it down.I think that only humanity and especially their poorest part may change our history and fate.Let them build it in safe and cheap manner...Spread it all over the world.
noblefuse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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thank you very much sir- i am sure smart persons such as yourself will do this- I have designed a system and ideology for replacement of power plants- as I believe humans just want to throw a switch- however, more importanat- I have gone bankrupt with no ability to continue my experiments- I sing and dance on the net to inspire others to replicate my experiment for verification IN ORDER FOR THIS TO GROW
noblefuse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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as no one believes my statements like they did with pons and Fleischmann in 1989 and made all the scientists scurry in excitement- when the first credible university repeats my experiment- you will see the same fever- after 13 months on this internet- i still wait
classicalheartburn (2 months ago) Show Hide
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your mission is pure, as you've stated people are lazy, and people click on myspace and youtube all day. video is powerfull. show us how to do these things safely with limited tools through video so we can power our homes and apartments and cars, give us this technology as a gift and a sign of good faith and we will partake in your product/service that is designed optimally
noblefuse (2 months ago) Show Hide
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i mean no disrespect to you- but i have done so since the beginning if many would care to look- This will only grow after a credible university simply repeats my simple experiment for verification- when this happens- many who superficially look upon my experiment and ideas will SPEND the time to investigate further- who will be the second human being on this planet that understand what i propose- electromagnetic fusion- the marriage of hot and cold fusion- lightning and water- prepare for glory
Silincer101 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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woah wtf i had a dream about a gaint tesla coil that riped a hole in space cause all mankind to parish but thing is i made it
you sir biuld the tesla coil et the world free energy finish wat Nilola Tesla started
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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thank you- i thought that was the hard part- it seems trying to be friends or liked by others in order for them to come together and let us unite to form a coalition of human beings with a fundamental goal to end the global energy crisis for our children- for our planet- all under the realm of heaven on earth-it seems there is a deer in the headlight situation where all hear me say I solved the energy crisis dont believe it and dont promote it to be verified- all the while our economy collapses
ChrisPCrunchy (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Tesla was trying to distribute free energy. He was attempting to use the atmosphere of the entire planet as a resonant circuit to excite the ionised layer of the upper atmosphere, (the ozone layer) so that anyone with a resonant reciever could tap into the energy in the same way anyone with a tuned radio can pick up a radio signal. The shuman cavity that surrounds the planet resonates at about 8 Hz and it acts like a giant capacitor that discharges when lightening strikes the earth.
ChrisPCrunchy (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Can you imagine that kind of power being available anywhere on the planet any time.
Greed and ignorance is all that holds humanity back. It is no longer possible to advance humanity for the good of all, because the greed of the few will always limit us to the technology that makes the most profit and in doing so inslaves the greatest number of people.
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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thank you chris- tesla is without question and hesitation a great man whose deeds have propelled humanity to an illuminated age- however, this is my stand- i found clean abundant energy via nuclear fusion with my understanding of special relativity and the use of a tesla coil(of course the coil had something to do with it- it seems for 17 months everyone looks at my experiment as an electrolysis process without going deeper into the ideology i speak of-
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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i dont blame people- nuclear fusion is not well understood- however, my simple caveman experiment will end this energy crisis once a team of professionals addresses it- i did what i can as a one man show- now i scream for others to take the torch and spread this as our economy collapses over energy
ChrisPCrunchy (1 month ago) Show Hide
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People will require irrafutable proof of fusion before they will believe. For scientists to even consider the possibility of cold fusion the data would need to come from a reputable and scientific based source so is a catch 22. Lets face it unfortunately you are not going to be taken seriously unless you can develop the process to a usable system. Others have spent billions on Tokomak and other crazy research and never had usefull power production from fusion, so I wish you good luck my friend.
ChrisPCrunchy (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Have you done testing on various frequencies that resonate with the water molicule.
A tesla coil is after all a circuit designed to use the air as the dielectric and earth as base plate of a capacitor. It uses a resonant frequency to cause dielectric failure in the air between the electrode on top of the coil and the ground which is the second electrode in the circuit. Air would have a different frequency to water at which it would resonate.Have you found that frequency and optimum efficiency
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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excellent- all the teslaphiles will now understand the way to unlimited energy- no the dielectric of air- but that of heavy water in which the isotopes of hydrogen are plentiful in water and an opportunity to strike a plasma arc within may be established- in my science paper within noblefuse- i speak of high voltage as the main requirement to cause the acceleration of charged
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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particles within plasma to cause the magnetic pinch- remember higher frequency is a faster strike per cycle- thus- the same action upon the discharge of particles but described more so as skin effect when we speak of frequency- i built my tesla coil tunable- i did so to make plasma establishment more efficient in order to raise voltage for faster
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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strike during each cycle of secondary discharge- i dont think of molecules- at the specified voltage minimum i believe of 750,000 gradient voltage- there are no molecules but pries of atoms- the hydrogen and oxygen nucleus is separated and effected by applied voltage electrodes- thus frequency is not as important at this stage as the range will be large after a sufficient high frequency is r4ached( relative value however, the intrinsic construction of tesla coil at specified voltage is
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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about 150,000 hz.
so much may be tuned and manipulated- i have been trying to instigate society to replicate my experiment for verification- not from garage inventors who will just remain in my position of no credibility- but a university- only way this will grow0- unless you have alot of money and continue with this ideology and implement a complete fusion reactor- or drop its size for smaller use as you mentioned- this will never go anywhere until a university replicates for truth-
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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they say republicans dropped first bill because pelosi remarks- even at expense of american public- i wpould say my time of 17 months on net is a battle of arraganct- my stand with spiritual beliefs as opposed to all who see and then ignore and ridicule as they leave the true and only real solution to the energy crisis- fusion of hydrogen- the only way out of this global mess- thank you for your intersts
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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nfexp (1 month ago) Show Hide
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The best proof is when you can bring to boil 30gallons of water in less than 3 minutes using a 9 volt battery only! All the rest like mathematical equations, colorimetric calculation and other theoretical proofs is just sign of fraud! Fusion is such a thing that is working with the same efficiency at ANY scale, so you don't need to build a large installation. If you can not do it at a small scale it will not work at any scale! I would shot that coil in a deuterium field tube (very small volume!)
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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thank you- i agree-however-my efforts have found the true door to enter of ideology and experimental procedures to accomplish this- my funds have ended to complete the nuclear power plant by my own hands and funds- i find people would still rather invest in gambling in front of my very eyes and ignore my plea to energy crises-
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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most people still live with their head in the ground- therefor- our global economy shall continue to collapse until all realize it truly is a crisis and we must come together to finalize- i still wait for the first american university to simply repeat my experiment and verify this in order for it to grow- 17 months on net with no help from anyone- no wonder our global economy crashes and war with russia iran seems imminent
Tab54o (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Energy generation is really just energy conversion and the efficiency at which you can convert it. If you're putting in more energy than you take out then its a waste of time. I think the only real solution to so called energy crisis are clever ways of harness it from nature. not this Tesla coil bullshit arcs in water or those fucking resonant earth field transformers. Give me a fucking break.
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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you have the brain of a monkey and the temperament of the wolf- spend more than five minutes of your pathetic life and investigate my deeds and you just maybe you might see something- but i dont think so- i think the world will collapse over energy first- then- the monkey will understand the prime directive is to find energy- when the vigorous search begins- it will end with my findings- time will tell
kimladha (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Ok, I watched your videos. I know a post doc researcher who did all these experiments 20 years ago. He says, you can not create a fusion plasma in water due to the heat flux into the surrounding matter. This research has already been done! You can create an arc in water- thankyou for demonstrating. But this is of too low a density and temperature to result in fusion. You need to do some more listening yourself- go to the library.
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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it is idiots and jealous souls like you for 17 months that have ridiculed and ignored this solution because you did nothing in life and want to show yourself superior by demeaning the man who has- you are disgusting as our soldiers fight for oil-our economy is crashing- and mr. know it alls like you speak with your head in your ass- let me make this simple- take your tesla coil and stick secondary in heavy water and measure fusion yourself you disgusting monkey
noblefuse (1 month ago) Show Hide
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i waste my time giving everything away for free only to be abused and ridiculed- i should just hide and horde all my ideas and find rich people- make power and continue the slavery of people- as it is clear you are weak of faith- this decadent atheistic monkey society- no wonder it collapses
ChrisPCrunchy (4 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Hey Sam lighten up.
As tesla said it is merely a matter of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.
That day is overdue but it will become a necessity that even the greedy and self interested evil people who control us can delay no longer.
noblefuse (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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thanks chris- i like your phrase- lighten up- i have always tried to walk upright in the light of day with a full conviction we are all wonderful children to god-our time living is for growth and nurture of our entire species on earth amongst a trillion stars-the big picture is grand- one small step at a time- one giant leap for mankind :-)
ChrisPCrunchy (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Hi Sam.
So you are using a Tesla coil to generate high voltages that excite the water molicule at a resonant frequency that causes the hydrogen atoms to fuse. Therefore the gas bubbling to the top would be Helium? Have you tested this. Is there evidence of excess heat generation? Could I replicate using a standard tesla coil or have you modified circuit to allow for the water dielectric? What frequency are you using to resonate with the water molicule. Have you tried different electrode
ChrisPCrunchy (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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materials. I think carbon would be interesting as it has an affinity for bonding with the Oxygen which should leave more Hydrogen free to fuse and may increase the effect you are looking for.
Keep up the good work and dont listen to those who have achieved nothing but feel free to discourage those who are trying to achieve something. Tesla had to deal with those type of people and he triumphed and changed the world for the better of all humanity.
Regards Chris.

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From: noblefuse
YOU BUILD THE TESLA COIL AND FIND OUT YOURSELF-my fellow marines battle for energy in wars and i have embarked upon a path to perform an experiment for all of us- i come to the net to find no help-people scream about being slaves of the government- you deserve it- when those who sacrifice for all of us ask for assistance- you do nothing- thus- you must all be controlled as it is clear you are too gluttonous and weak in your behavior with freedom and free will- you are lazy and weak as our fellow citizens fight wars for energy and you do nothing
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Anonymous said...

Great post! You may want to follow up on this topic...


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I am the man who has solved the energy crisis with no greenhouse gases by myself. I thought that was the hard part, ending my experiments april 2007 i have tried to communicate with people on the internet-the gateway to humanity connecting millions of souls- one major problem- FAITH- in the struggle of man on earth in his own battle with faith to god- is FAITH with your friends and neighbors and whomever you meet anywhere in life. it is now 24years on this net - will you help uncover- none do anything- no wonder the global economy has failed and on brink of nuclear war-