Saturday, January 31, 2009

Energy is the root of all evil-and source of all light

In the beginning man was blessed with the light of knowledge- with this light man set upon the earth in an attempt to master natures fury for his family and peoples- In the beginning way before gold was a trading partner- it was fire that was far more important for people in their daily lives to just live-stay warm-defend from animals-etc.

and time goes on where many families have been born and lived side by side whereby all the benefits from fire/ENERGY will make pottery to hold food-melt ores to make man stronger-to make steam to make machines- to make electricity for 20th century- to make energy to fuel this very internet- for without energy- no one man nor country could survive- THUS- a battle since time immortal- do brothers love one another- many do and we try to live together-but when resources get scarce- it is in our nature to fight for sustenance and survival- or should we just passively fade away? man will fight- thus- to end fighting means man must have an abundant source of energy.

for without this fire it is dark-and many who are without its light are surely in a dark place-and so man seeks the light- seeks the qualities of fire and energy- I believe i have solved the global energy crisis- in the journey to find its light and warmth is a story of FAITH- one in which i see none between people and thus kaos exists-when faith comes-energy comes-and the light comes with it- time will tell

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About Me

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I am the man who has solved the energy crisis with no greenhouse gases by myself. I thought that was the hard part, ending my experiments april 2007 i have tried to communicate with people on the internet-the gateway to humanity connecting millions of souls- one major problem- FAITH- in the struggle of man on earth in his own battle with faith to god- is FAITH with your friends and neighbors and whomever you meet anywhere in life. it is now 24years on this net - will you help uncover- none do anything- no wonder the global economy has failed and on brink of nuclear war-