Utopia- many of us with compassion in our hearts dream of a utopian world someday-whereby wars are eliminated and a world system is built for full cooperation in order to help our fellow man in times of need-to fully understand we travel through the universe on a majestic ship called earth together—some say this is a dream-impossible to ever implement- I SAY IT HAS BEEN DONE SINCE OUR TIME ON THIS PLANET RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES- LOOK AT THE CHILDREN- at the young golden age before we teach them about the monsters and such-before we teach them about the so called bad things in life- you see- Utopia is not only a possibility for mankind- it works completely everyday with children- all children love to play and be kind-of a pure innocence and gentle quality---then there comes that period in life we all feel we must begin to harden our children- to put on a metal chest JUST IN CASE FOR THE FUTURE-we must realize that the bad things in life that do exist are extremely few and far between to the state of civilization as a whole--to understand that even the bad people are nothing more than neglected and deprived and sick children that grow into adults and need our help- THERE ARE MORE TIMES OF PEACE THAN WAR- LOOK AROUND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD AND WORKPLACE- A SYSTEM WORKS FAR GREATER THAN KAOS- and we as adults have our best friends –how do we act together- are we not like children- our metal chest is gone and we begin to play again like children- laugh uncontrollably-think and dream and say all the amazing things without hesitation as children—- WE ALL DESIRE TO BE AS INNOCENT AS OUR YOUTHS-AS THE CHILDREN- UTOPIA IS POSSIBLE- IT EXISTS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU—PROTECT ALL CHILDREN-THEY WILL GROW INTO ADULTS WITH A PROMISE TO IMPLEMENT A UTOPIAN WORLD AT ALL TIMES
facts: albert einstein wrote famous paper in 1905. not recognized until 1912 by a famous scientists willing to back him up- as no one wants to put up their reputation for someone unknown. einstein was not proved correct until 1921 on the orbit of mercury- and not for e=mc^2 until the year 1933.**************HOW LONG FOR CLEAN ENERGY???************ a quote by einstein--"Nothing that I can do will change the structure of the universe. But maybe, by raising my voice I can help the greatest of all causes - goodwill among men and peace on earth
WHY DOES IT TAKE THIS AMOUNT OF TIME_ -scientists are people - like you- thus- jealousy-ignorance and plain ole human frailty are to blame- when a human doesn't know the answer- he assumes- AND ALWAYS they assume the other person crazy-wrong-negative in order to be superior- this is drive to survive mechanism in man-must be so in order for YOU to be master of your domain as you should for no one but YOU are responsible for your life and judgments- THUS_ natural period of disbelief-ridiculous period exists first- when does it stop- THE DAY the first credible and highly respected individual comments positivity upon such-then the sheep follow with supporting arguments-time will tell I solved the energy crisis-unfortunately it will probably be uncovered after the next global war over energy as your desire to seek solutions is deplorable
***************************** The words of Tesla-"Of the various branches of electrical investigation, perhaps the most interesting and immediately the most promising is that dealing with alternating currents. The progress in this branch of applied science has been so great in recent years that it justifies the most sanguine hopes. Hardly have we become familiar with one fact, when novel experiences are met with and new avenues of research are opened. Even at this hour possibilities not dreamed of before are, by the use of these currents, partly realized. As In nature all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry alternating currents—electric wave motion—will have the sway."**************************************************
Thats right Mr. Tesla, even in the 21st century alternating currents will have their sway- for soon in time it shall be found with the aid of your device and Albert Einsteins theory of special relativity the solution to the global energy crisis with no greenhouse gases has been found- EBB & TIDE- ITS ALL ABOUT VIBRATIONS
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