Friday, November 2, 2007

My tribute to Jesus and John the Baptist

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I THANK GOD FOR STRENGTH- all my life I have walked in the light of GOD and his most preciost messenger-JESUS--I have been to the tomb of John the Baptist in damascus-and I have walked the Golan heights in syria with my eyes upon jerusalem

My GOD- I pray my words of science are found true very soon-FIRE FROM WATER- to relieve the ailments of mans need for energy- and with this energy let it be known that the discovery is by a messenger of GOD- I WILL GIVE YOUR WORDS OF UNITY MY DEAR LORD
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This is what I have been told by the message. TO LOVE ALL CHILDREN IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT AN AGE OF UNITY. That to TRULY love your child, you must love all children, for in doing so, a generation of children will have been taught love, understanding, and caring for one another, thereby ensuring a greater love and security for your own child. Something in which we as parents can not do when our departing of this earth but only hope and prayer that our children's lives will be better than ours and safe from our fellow man. THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR---LOVE ALL CHILDREN FOR UNITY. I am Semitic. Someday the world will be ONE NATION UNDER GOD. And let the first steps be by those who have carried the message of the prophets since time eternal. All sons of Abraham, sons of Shem, in which the name Semites comes from but from SHEM. These people are to unite first as a demonstration of unity unto the world. There will be no country names of Syria-Israel-Palestine-Jordan-Lebanon-Iraq-Arabia or any nation with roots to SHEM-merely provinces within a greater state. There will be one nation and it shall be called SEMITICA. The primary language of these united people will be English to signify that the world will someday speak a universal language in which we can no longer make translations by those that deceive all citizens. We as free citizens of the world must demand our leaders with the ability to converse in a language free from translation. What language you speak in your own homes is your fancy. In the great nation of America, a land in which is based a belief in ONE NATION UNDER GOD and that in which we all have inalienable rights in the quest of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all stood at the crossroads early in its life. It is known that the young America took a stand and thru democracy a vote between English or German which settled any further debates or talks of such nature. There was one vote left and it was of a man with German origins and language in which made the outcome- Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg. He obviously has chosen English as he knew it was the right thing to do for many reasons. I admire that man of Germanic origin for such an honorable act. I would call upon the great nation of -Germany today to embrace the same choice. The German people have always been a great leading nation in civilization with roots built upon the ideology of unity. Let the German people make the transition of a new Semitic state language far easier by its own decision to adopt a national language of English. Let us fundamentally agree upon English as a world language and let this challenge extend to any nation. The government of Semitica is to be built upon the hills where the law was first given to Moses upon MT. SINAI. Let this new nation be the symbol of unity for all mankind. It is in the interests of all human beings to encourage its life---Jerusalem, this is the place of worship, not for a select few in Islam or Judea or Christianity, but for every religion in this great world. A UNIFIED Temple in honor of all peoples EFFORTS to communicate with GOD SHALL BE BUILT. All residents within the walls of JERUSALEM must leave-ONLY THE PRIESTS MAY LIVE WITHIN THE OLD CITY WALLS. Compensate them above and beyond for their great sacrifice-and may all who have been driven from the holy lands return- let the world assist in this return in order to rebuild their homes. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWithin the walls of Jerusalem a garden of trees and flowers with many fountains of WATER will flourish within. Let the new temple be open to every human being on this planet without any restrictions for worship and sanctuary and let no door to Jerusalem be closed at this moment and forever more. In the eyes of god all religions which believe in peace and the love of children bring a smile to the creator as you as a parent would do so with your own child who is good to another and compassionate. to those that embrace a religion but curse another- your voices sound like the Babel of a donkey, let no human judge another with religion- have patience as we will all be judged in time----I believe this message with all my heart. I believe there are MANY which have heard this very same message of UNITY in one form or another, and we shall encourage the silent but strong soldiers of god. THE AGE OF UNITY HAS BEGUN and it is in our unified strengths that will ensure VICTORY--------------The days of silence are over as the children cry from pain in all parts of the world. The light of god shines brightly upon us now as many of our forefathers from time ago scattered amongst the heavens have gathered to watch our every decision at this very moment. A great change is to occur with our civilization.. All wars between people are to stop immediately, instruct the young soldiers to lay down their weapons and seek the children in their vicinity and provide them with comfort and happiness, tell them to love them as they would their own brother , sister, or their own child themselves. Seek out and find those children which cry for food, hurt of pain, and want of shelter. We must divert all of our energy to the children in a conciious effort to implement global unity, we shall gather the leaders in science and drive on until we have perfected this energy system which is abundant and clean to nature-water- for it is clean abundant energy which will fuel a unified world under the realm of God. With this energy we shall build children hospitals of the standards of a ST. Jude children facility in every city within every nation on this planet and stop the pain and suffering of the children. All of our efforts now must be for the children. THIS IS THE WILL OF THE HEAVENS- AN AGE OF UNITY HAS BEEN DECLARED- you have been given the message- what you do with it-as in all decisions of free will – is your choice

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I am the man who has solved the energy crisis with no greenhouse gases by myself. I thought that was the hard part, ending my experiments april 2007 i have tried to communicate with people on the internet-the gateway to humanity connecting millions of souls- one major problem- FAITH- in the struggle of man on earth in his own battle with faith to god- is FAITH with your friends and neighbors and whomever you meet anywhere in life. it is now 24years on this net - will you help uncover- none do anything- no wonder the global economy has failed and on brink of nuclear war-